The Avenging Hour
Jason and John look at the Avengers, tracing the evolution of the team from its origins in 1963 up to the present! There will be synopses of issues, details, nit picking, unbridled joy, excessive curmudgeonly complaining and general tomfoolery. Plus, Jason makes fun of the Collector! Find us on Instagram at The Avenging Hour!
Podcasting since 2015 • 374 episodes
The Avenging Hour
Latest Episodes
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #7-8 l 355
The end of the miniseries and the end of at least one character in the miniseries! Characters we thought were dead turn out to be alive and other characters who don't die, just fade into oblivion. Was the ending worth everything that led ...
Season 1
Episode 355
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #5-6 l 354
It's random Eternals! It's the plant Swordsman! It's the living (?) embodiment of Death! Face it True Believer: this miniseries has it all!
Season 1
Episode 354
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #3-4 l 353
We're back for more of the Celestial Quest, as things get even weirder and we that the real Thanos?
Season 1
Episode 353
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #1-2 l 352
It begins here! The eight issue Celestial Quest miniseries from epic Avengers scribe Steve Englehart, which surprisingly, features Mantis (who'd thunk it?)! If you listened to our interview with Tom Brevoort, you already know how we...
Season 1
Episode 352
Avenging Hour Spotlight 4: Interview with Tom Brevoort Part 2
We finish off our discussion with Tim Brevoort, getting more into Volume 3 of the Avengers and all of the miniseries that from early in that run that we've discussed on the show! As I said last week, Tom Brevoort is a prince of a man, gen...