The Avenging Hour
Jason and John look at the Avengers, tracing the evolution of the team from its origins in 1963 up to the present! There will be synopses of issues, details, nit picking, unbridled joy, excessive curmudgeonly complaining and general tomfoolery. Plus, Jason makes fun of the Collector! Find us on Instagram at The Avenging Hour!
374 episodes
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #7-8 l 355
The end of the miniseries and the end of at least one character in the miniseries! Characters we thought were dead turn out to be alive and other characters who don't die, just fade into oblivion. Was the ending worth everything that led ...
Season 1
Episode 355
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #5-6 l 354
It's random Eternals! It's the plant Swordsman! It's the living (?) embodiment of Death! Face it True Believer: this miniseries has it all!
Season 1
Episode 354
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #3-4 l 353
We're back for more of the Celestial Quest, as things get even weirder and we that the real Thanos?
Season 1
Episode 353
Avengers: Celestial Quest (2001) #1-2 l 352
It begins here! The eight issue Celestial Quest miniseries from epic Avengers scribe Steve Englehart, which surprisingly, features Mantis (who'd thunk it?)! If you listened to our interview with Tom Brevoort, you already know how we...
Season 1
Episode 352
Avenging Hour Spotlight 4: Interview with Tom Brevoort Part 2
We finish off our discussion with Tim Brevoort, getting more into Volume 3 of the Avengers and all of the miniseries that from early in that run that we've discussed on the show! As I said last week, Tom Brevoort is a prince of a man, gen...
Avenging Hour Spotlight 3: Interview with Tom Brevoort Part 1
If you're a fan of a Marvel comic published in the last few decades that isn't about a mutant, chances are that Tom Brevoort had a hand in it. He's Marvel's Executive Editor and Senior VP of Publishing and he stewarded the Avengers from H...
Avengers: Infinity (2000) #3-4 l 351
We're finishing up the Avengers: Infinity miniseries this week, where we finally get to meet the Infinites and set this cosmic team of characters on a path to come back to Earth in time for a line wide crossover! Lucky them!
Season 1
Episode 351
Avengers Infinity (2000) #1-2 l 350
We start off an Avengers miniseries that features a great cast of Avengers, with fan favorite Roger Stern in the writer's chair! The cosmic storyline isn't great but the characterization is top notch!
Season 1
Episode 350
Avenging Hour Spotlight 2: Interview with Alex Segura
Hokey smokes! We have a real live professional on the podcast this week, and an incredibly talented one at that! Alex Segura has written an Avengers story exclusively for Marvel Unlimited and we discuss it, but he has written so muc...
Avengers (1998) #33-34 w/Jason Lady l 349
We talk about the end of the Nefaria Protocols, the big Avengers/Thunderbolts crossover! And we are joined by author Jason Lady who helps us talk about these last Avengers issues by George Perez.You can find more information about...
Season 1
Episode 349
Avengers (1998) #31-32 l 348
It's the beginning of the Nefaria Protocols storyline, which begins the last storyline of George Perez's run on the title (sniff, sniff) and features so many fun characters! Besides the Avengers we have the Thunderbolts, Count Nefaria, Ma...
Season 1
Episode 348
Avengers Annual 2000 and issue 1.5 l 347
We start off discussing a Patsy Walker centric annual that has some fun art and a surprise group of villains for a magic centered story. And the Avengers are kind of in it as well! And then we look at a special 1.5 issue by Roger S...
Season 1
Episode 347
Avengers Two: Wonder Man and the Beast (2000) l 346
Its three issues by Roger Stern and Mark Bagley that team up two of the most fun Avengers (when they're together), Wonder Man and the Beast! So this must be a slam dunk, right? Well, maybe not, unless you read and loved Wonder Man's solo ...
Season 1
Episode 346
Avengers: United They Stand (1999) #4-7 l 345
We finish up the good tie in comic to the bad Avengers cartoon, where we see Dr. Doom and Jason's favorite villainous punching bag, the Collector!
Season 1
Episode 345
Avengers: United They Stand (1999) #1-3 l 344
Back in the 1990's, Fox Kids decided to follow up their successful (and good) X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons with an Avengers one. It was...not as successful. However, the comic tie in is actually good and we discuss the first half o...
Season 1
Episode 344
Avengers (1998) #29-30 l 343
It's the conclusion of the Death Song of Kulan Gath, as Triathlon becomes more fully a part of the team and Silverclaw joins! Is it in time to stop the end of the world?
Season 1
Episode 343
Avengers (1998) #27-28 l 342
We get a new team roster! Lots of members quit, old members return and a new member is inducted! And then we start a plotline revolving around a Conan the Barbarian villain and visit Silverclaw's home country (and her origin). ...
Season 1
Episode 342
Avengers: Domination Factor Part 2 l 341
We finish up the Domination Factor crossover with the Fantastic Four, where mysteries are revealed and time travel is the name of the game!
Season 1
Episode 341
Avengers: Domination Factor Part 1 l 340
It's a crossover with the Fantastic Four! Domination Factor is an eight-issue miniseries involving both teams and we're covering the first four parts of it this week! And we've got writer/artist Jerry Ordway back for the Avengers is...
Season 1
Episode 340
Avengers (1998) #25-26 l 339
We finish off the big return of the Exemplars, and then we have an issue without the regular team in it, which brings the Triune Understanding back to the forefront of the plot!
Season 1
Episode 339
Avengers (1998) #23-24 l 338
This week we see the matters between Wonder Man and the Vision come to the head and then the first part of a follow up to the crossover called The Eighth Day, which introduced the Exemplars! Don't worry if you don't remember wasn'...
Season 1
Episode 338
Avengers (1998) #21-22 l 337
Ultron Unlimited wraps up this episode with one of the best panels in comics, and we discuss just how amazing this storyline is!
Season 1
Episode 337
Avengers (1998) #19-20 l 336
This week we start what John considers the best storyline of the Busiek/Perez issues, a run filled with a lot of great stuff! It's Ultron Unlimited, one of the best uses of Ultron ever! Watch the Avengers fight an Ultron at his most...
Season 1
Episode 336