The Avenging Hour
Jason and John look at the Avengers, tracing the evolution of the team from its origins in 1963 up to the present! There will be synopses of issues, details, nit picking, unbridled joy, excessive curmudgeonly complaining and general tomfoolery. Plus, Jason makes fun of the Collector! Find us on Instagram at The Avenging Hour!
The Avenging Hour
Avenging Hour Spotlight 2: Interview with Alex Segura
Jason & John
Hokey smokes! We have a real live professional on the podcast this week, and an incredibly talented one at that! Alex Segura has written an Avengers story exclusively for Marvel Unlimited and we discuss it, but he has written so much more! He's written many Marvel and DC characters, plus creator owned and Archie comics! And then there's all of his novels, including Secret Identity and its newly released sequel, Alter Ego! He's got Marvel character novels, Star Wars novels and noir detective novels!
You can find out about everything he's doing at Alex Segura | Author,